The leadership team at Next Generation Now is thrilled to announce that NextGenNow 2008 - Your Future in Your Hands.
As you know, NextGenNow 2008 is the second in a continuing series of conferences aimed at stimulating and motivating the next generation of Zarathushti leadership in North America. Unlike a congress, this event is a
conference and intended for next generation Zarathushti leaders throughout North America.
Building on the action initiatives we developed at the first NextGenNow conference last October in Chicago,NextGenNow is advancing its mission of providing highly targeted and innovative programming that fosters
dialogue, understanding, perspective and motivation.
From college students to young professionals in their 30s and 40s, we seek Zarathushtis who have demonstrated an interest in leading on Zarathushti education, awareness, and community building in North America.
On the horizon: please be on the look out for announcements on conference speakers, the launch of our brand new web site, registration information and deadline dates. To volunteer and lead on conference preparation, please feel free to contact any of us cc’d.
To join our growing community on Facebook, you need to be a Facebook member and search within the Groups category for ‘NextGenerationNow’. We can also be found on Yahoogroups.
By leading with purpose and conviction, we will continue to mobilize and energize, paving the path for real-world problem-solving at the dawn of a new era in our North American Zarathushti odyssey.
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