The American Iranian Council and the Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding of Georgetown University are pleased to announce that the Honorable Admiral William J. Fallon, Former Commander of U.S. Central Command, will give the keynote speech at their joint conference on Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 at Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC. Admiral Fallon will speak on “The Changing Middle East and Implications for US-Iran Relations – What Next?”
Four-star Admiral William J. Fallon retired after a 40-year career of military leadership. His strong advocacy of diplomatic and economic engagement as the preferred approach to resolving international disputes has been the hallmark of his distinguished career. Called “one of the best strategic thinkers in uniform today” by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Admiral Fallon led U.S. and Allied forces in eight separate commands at the highest levels of American government. We are fortunate to have the Admiral speak at our conference in a most critical time in the Middle East and US-Iran relations.
Senator J. Bennett Johnston, AIC Chairman; Ambassador Robert Hunter, Former US Ambassador to NATO; Professor John Esposito, Georgetown University; Colonel David Crist, US Department of Defense; Mr. Marshall Cloyd, CEO, InterMarine Incorporated; Dr. Flynt Leverett, New America Foundation; Dr. Shireen Hunter, Georgetown University; Professor Stephen Bronner, Rutgers University; Ambassador William Miller, Former US Ambassador to Ukraine; Mr. David Pumphrey, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Mr. Hossein Ebneyousef, International Petroleum Enterprises.
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