Biography on Professor Gernot Windfuhr, professor of Iranian Studies, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan:
Prof. Gernot Windfuhr studied at the Universities of Hamburg, Cologne, and Tehran, and received his Ph.D. in Iranian Studies from Hamburg in 1965. He has been Professor of Iranian Studies in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan, since 1966 (Chair 1977-1987). His main fields of research are in two areas: Persian language/linguistics, Iranian dialectology; and Zoroastrian Studies (metaphysics, including the Amesha Spentas; ritual and calendar). His regular undergraduate courses include "The Religion of Zoroaster", "Persian Culture", and "Rumi and the Great Persian Mystical Poets". He has published, a comparison between the Yasna and the Taoist ritual; a study of the celestial Haoma; and a study on Mithraic coding in a royal Sarmatian burial complex in the southern Ural steppes of the 5th cent. B.C. His forthcoming publications relating to Zoroastrianism include: “The Zoroastrian Yasna ritual and the geometry of the Rock Birth of Mithras in the Roman Mysteries,” Festschrift for Dastur Dr. Firoze Kotwal, edited by Jamsheed Choksy, Indiana University. “Riddles and chronograms,” chapter 10 in History of Persian Literature, 1. A General Introduction to Persian Literature, edited by J.T.P. Bruijn. “The Word in Zoroastrianism,” in The Word. Studies in the Language of Religion and the Religious Meaning of Language, edited by C.J. Swaeringen. Austin, Texas: U Texas Press.
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