Muslims, Jews, and Christians will read and discuss the story of Golden Calf with the leaders of Kehilla Community Synagouge, Montclair Presbyterian Church, and Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California.
The story of the Golden Calf is found in both the Bible and the Quran. All three of the Abrahamic religious traditions consider this story central to their understanding of the dangers of idol-worship. While there may be few worshippers of idols in the classic sense in our midst, the issue is not a dead letter. Often we worship values or materials and invest them with a holiness they may not deserve. We look for easy answers to give us illusory powers over the problems that confront us.
How do these three religious communities struggle with their texts of this story and apply them to our spiritual, political and ecological concerns today? We will sit together and read this short story in both texts and discuss what it may mean to us today. The biblical story is found in Exodus chapter 32; the Quran’s story is found in Sura 7:138-157
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