he Conference focuses on the changing role of Iran in the Middle East and the global economy, and considers the evolution of the Iranian economy, the development of its various product and factor markets and the institutional framework within which these operate. In particular, it explores the interrelated issues of domestic economic development, trade, capital and labor movements, financial asset position, and the country’s opportunities and constraints to both the domestic and international levels. A wide range of issues will be covered, ranging from social policy and welfare, causes and consequences of rising inflation and unemployment, political economy of policy making and economic reforms, developments and problems in the agricultural, industrial, energy (oil, gas and nuclear) and services sectors, the role of formal and informal economic institutions (including the bazaar and bonyads), the growing trade, service and other links between Iran and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, especially Dubai, the relevance of WTO membership, the vagaries of international oil markets, economic sanctions and their effects. It also will discuss actual and suggested alternative mechanisms for resolving international tensions among the major economic and political players in Iran and the West.
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