For a great night of political satire, salacious humor and outrageous irony, try a night with the Sultans, featuring special guest Aron Kader, hosted by Mike Batayeh...
On Wednesday, April 30, the Sultans of Satire return to The Improv, where they'll present comedy and satire on their cultural identities as Americans of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean/North African heritage, featuring speical guest Aron Kader (the Palestinian American star of Axis of Evil), Elham Jazab (Iranian-American), Gulden (Turkish-American), Noel Elgrably (Moroccan-Israeli); and the great funny Greek, Angelo Tsarouchas.
The Sultans of Satire show has captivated audiences throughout Southern California since 2005, and ran for eight months at the Laugh Factory. This show features an impressive line-up of some of today’s most talented comedians of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean heritage.
Tickets $18. (As with most comedy clubs, there is a two item minimum; the good news is that valet parking is half the cost of a trip to Sunset Blvd.!)
Doors open 7:30
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