The program will cover the fundamental principles of smile design so that the participant will not only be able to treatment plan a basic esthetic change, but will also have a system in place to alert them to when a case is not ready to be treated with only esthetic changes. Based on the foundation of the Golden Proportion, the patient can be evaluated for both esthetics and function, and with the ultimate goal being to allow the patient to achieve optimal esthetics as well as a stable occlusal support.
In the program, the connection between airway and occlusion will be discussed. The implications for parafunctional activity, myofacial pain, and sleep apnea will also be considered. While the traditional approach to dental practice devoted little attention to these issues, the actual incidence is incredibly common and based typical statistics, more than 25% of a doctors current patient base is silently suffering with problems that are caused by underlying dental issues.
Given the obvious time constraints, this will not be an exhaustive program on these issues, however it will cover them in enough detail to allow the participants to recognize problem cases and assist the patient in getting appropriate care.
Tuition for CE lecture:
Member dentists: Free
Non-Members: $ 85.00
First year graduate $ 50.00
Students and Residents: $ 35.00
Members allied dental professionals
(RDH, RDA, CDT) $ 50.00
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