Let’s face it, the French are more clear-headed on certain issues than the English. On marriage, for a start. It’s not that they have anything against it – on the contrary, their discretion when taking a lover is intended to preserve the institution's many virtues. But restrict all one’s sexual energies to just one person? Sacre bleu! "Si vous cherchez la fidelité, achetez un chien." Or so our cousins across the Channel like to have it. But are they fooling themselves? Is it possible truly to love your wife on Sunday, if on Monday you’re sleeping with your mistress? Come and hear the arguments from the Canadian owner of a dating agency for married people, a best-selling Australian author and comic talents from Iran and Britain as they debate just who is fooling whom. Be there (or, if you’re shy, stay at home with your spouse and watch the debate online.)
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