We, at ISA, hope that all our new and old members had a great summer and relaxing transition into the new school year. It is that time of the year again to have a meet and great with ISA members, USC students and faculty members and families in the surrounding Columbia/Richland community. We will be kicking off the new Fall semester with a Welcome Back and NewComers Celebration. This event will be held on Sunday, September 7th at Sesquicentennial State Park. The event will start at 11am and will go on into the afternoon. This gathering will be in a potluck format, so please bring your own home cooked meals or store-bought items, as well as, flasks of tea, disposable utensils, plasticware, cups and things of that nature. We encourage all of our members, Iranian and non-Iranian alike, students, faculty and surrounding families to come out as we host our first party during the end of the 2014 academic calendar year. Please feel free to spread the word because the more the merrier! And make sure to mark your calendars for this great event!
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