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5:30 -8:00 Potluck Dinner and Group Introduction
6:30 - 7:15 Talk SELF Love The Journey Back Home
Speaker Dina Asna
8:15 Open Discussion: Your sharing, your stories, Your announcements
Brief description:
“Happiness and Wellbeing is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.”
It is a journey to finally get back home and find all the answers within ourselves.
It is a journey to become our best friend.
It is a journey to realize that we are only one step away from all the approval, acknowledgment, support, forgiveness, care and love that we are looking outside of us.
It is difficult specially when we don't know the difference between selfishness and self-love.
When we don't know what is the difference between self esteem, self love and self compassion.
It is not an easy journey but it is worth it and frankly there is no way around it anyway? The other option is assign anyone else that much power of our own life.
I am not a psychologist and not a specialist however as a human on a very unique path I do like to share with you what does self-love means to me and how it helps me to be a better me and how to live a happier life away from negativity.
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