Mention Kodoom when calling for Early Bird and Iranian ticket specials.
Join us as we celebrate Yalda, the Persian winter solstice, with Fared Shafinury at the Guan Yin Tea House of Austin, TX.
Come sip on traditional Chinese tea while enjoying the mastery of improvisational classical Persian music featuring Fared Shafinury on The Persian Setar with avaz (traditional Persian singing), and special guest, Rambod Dargahi of New Orleans, on the Tonbak (Persian goblet drum).
We will also be presenting a beautiful Persian sofreh (altar) - representing the various symbols and omens of Yalda that will help carry us into the longest nights of the remaining year - graciously sponsored by the Austin Iranian Professionals Association & The Persian Arts Collective of Austin - PACA.
And to stay true to the spirit of Yalda, we will end the evening on a fun note with stories and poems recited by So Han Fan & Fared Shafinury!
We are looking forward to seeing you very soon.
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